Sunday, 26 February 2012

Agi Idup Agi Ngelaban!

Tomorrow will be a brand new week so this means that tomorrow will be the start of the second week for my lectures and the beginning to the real nightmare. I survived my first semester and hope to survive for the next 7. So fingers crossed that this sem will go as smoothly as posibble for me both mentally and physically. I'm still not fully ready to go through the same thing all over again (I get bored easily so you can guess that routines are definitely not for me) so a little bit of encouragement and pep talk to myself is essential to push through. 

This week has been quite confusing emotionally. I don't know what to feel, how to feel. 
My feelings are a big ball of mixed confusion right now for all the wrong reasons. Time to clear my head and put my mind on the right track again. I've decided that I'm not planning for a change this year because the time has yet to come but just not now. No changes, no anything. Things will happen naturally. Tomorrow will be a brand new day with a clear mind. Time to put my head in the game again. Agi idup agi ngelaban!

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